Alhamdulilaahirobbil, aalamiin… it has been carried out today, Saturday, June 25, 2022, the routine guest lecture of the Pharmacy Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Hang Tuah University, Surabaya, this time the guest lecture is from the Pharmacy Section with the theme ‘Product Innovation in Cosmetic Industrial Development: The role of Pharmacist towards challenge and strategy” which was attended by 112 participants. The guest speaker of the day was Mr. apt. Hendry Candra Dewanto from PT. Eisai Indonesia, he focuses on Innovation Development. The purpose of holding a guest lecture with this topic is to mobilize the potential of students to innovate both in product and service innovation. The development of technology and digital is currently very fast, even most of the activities in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries have switched to using robotics. One thing that robots will never replace is innovation. The ability to innovate to create new, planned, distinctive and solution-oriented things is of course very important as a provision for students to pursue careers in the industrial world. Today’s guest lecture went smoothly and the students looked enthusiastic.