Following up on the recommendation for accreditation of the Pharmacy Study Program, Hang Tuah University, Surabaya in 2019, LAM-PTKes held a Post-Accreditation MONEV on June 30, 2022 online via the Zoom platform. MONEV activities aim to monitor and evaluate health study programs that have been accredited with previous ratings. The MONEV activity was attended by assessors and the MONEV team from the Pharmacy Study Program, Hang Tuah University, Surabaya and went smoothly. The assessor in charge of the MONEV event was Dr. Yunita Nita, S.Si., M.Pharm., apt. The activity began with the opening of Prof. Dr. Hj. Dian Mulawarmanti, drg., M.S., P.B.O as Deputy Chancellor I UHT and continued with the follow-up explanation by the Head of Pharmacy Study Program of UHT FK, apt. Ana Khusnul F., M. Farm., Klin.