In a situation that is still a pandemic like this, the Pharmacy Study Program at Hang Tuah University Surabaya held a graduation on Tuesday, March 22, 2022 online via a zoom meeting. The Yudisium was attended by the dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Hang Tuah University, Surabaya, Mr. Djati Widodo P., dr., M.Kes., SpKl. This Judisium is a formal procession to officially announce graduation for students who have met academic and non-academic requirements. During this period, 21 students were declared successful in completing their study program. Of the 21 students who passed, 13 students graduated 3.5 years. Awards were also given to students in 3 categories, namely the best GPA category was given to Caesilia Ratna Oktaviani with a GPA of 3.65; The highest TOEFL score category was awarded to Tresia Aulia Vidyanti with a TOEFL score of 493, and the student category with the most credit points was won by Sekar Sari Isti Syamsia with 334 credit points.



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